Saturday 20 March 2010

Analysis of CSI MIAMI- Triller

Characters – From this episode we can see that the main characters (the protagonist)are willing to do anything to help people even if it means putting their own lives in danger. we can see also from the the main antagonist would also do anything to achieve his goal and would wipe-out anyone that's in his way even if it means killings his own gang members.

The protagonist 'everyman' qualities established thought scientific knowledge and through experience as they have been working for many years.

Narratives – Enigmas created in the thriller are when a gang member has been killed, we find out later in the film that he is killed by a gang member for selling drugs which is a gang rule not to. Another enigma created is a mark on the dead woman's cheek as they continue their investigation we find out the mark on her face is from a grenade and that the woman was scared to death by it.More enigma's are created in the thriller when we don't find out what happens to the pregnant woman's baby and who the father of the bay might be. When we see Crow flying in the sky it raises enigmas as we wonder what is going to happen next and why they are flying by.when looking at a cover of a package the audience is put in suspense to whose name it might be,and why Celia ( the pregnant woman)was at the Livingstone's on her day off as the narrative progresses we find out that immigration ask her to listen in on phone calls at the Livingstone's which put her in great danger.

Suspense is created in individual scenes in the beginning at the funeral when the casket opens, who paid for the funeral as the son was in prison so could afford it. non-diegetic music is used to create suspense as when they go to the Livingstone's house a slow heart beat sound builds up the suspense.

Information is revealed to the audience through the characters experience for example in the beginning we see the action taking place, then the protagonist help us find out why it happened and what they are going to do to stop it. with the use of props and evidence found we see at the same time as the characters what had been taken place.

Theme – In this thriller the hero must uncover a series of enigmas to establish the truth. There are many obstacles that try and stop him from reviling the truth but he is able to overcome them.

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